In the year 2011 I heard of feeding raw to dogs. It made perfect sense to me, growing up on a farm our dogs often caught
and ate rabbits, mice & ground hogs.
So I did several courses of schooling for dog nutrition and in 2012
I switched all my dogs to a raw diet.
At the time I had 2 boxers with thyroid issues and a bulldog with Flank alopecia.
1st changes I noticed in my dogs was a much softer coat, smaller harder poop, clean smelling breath along with cleaner teeth.
Thyroid issues and Flank alopecia ...... gone.
Raising puppy litters on raw is amazing. They love the raw so it's easy to wean.
A LOT less poop to take care of.
Sending puppies home on raw is also amazing. They love it, so most times they will eat their 1st meal even tho they are stressed.
By 2018 I was helping a lot of people feed their dogs a raw diet
Raw Dog Food Recipewww.mypetcarnivore.com1qt whole prey chicken2qt whole prey beef1qt whole prey pork1qt white fish1qt tripe super mix
Mix all together and feed :)
Mix all together and feed :)